Title: Interior Designer

Sabrina Jhamandas

Sabrina Jhamandas

Interior Designer (IDT, B.Sc.)

Lisa Hering 

Lisa Hering 

Senior Interior Designer (Licensed Interior Designer AAA, NCIDQ 32393, IDA, IDC, BA, BID)  

Danielle Trueman

Danielle Trueman

Interior Designer (IDT, NCIDQ 36199) 

Ashley Maas

Ashley Maas

Senior Interior Designer (IDT, NCIDQ)

Our work stands the test of time, but our process is nimble.   Our work stands the test of time, but our process is nimble.   Our work stands the test of time, but our process is nimble.   Our work stands the test of time, but our process is nimble.   Our work stands the test of time, but our process is nimble.