Forbes Bros

Forbes Bros

{{ time }} EDM
53.5429° N, 113.5306° W
Completion Date
Floor Area
21,000 SF
Forbes Bros
Edmonton, Alberta

Forbes Bros. Office Building blends contemporary design elements within its exterior and interior. The corporate headquarters was tailored to fulfill both the demands of today, as well as tomorrow.


The exterior features a minimalist design, while the interior boasts open and adaptable spaces, underscoring the values of teamwork and collaboration.

Forbesbros Originals 15 (custom)

The interior boasts open and adaptable spaces, underscoring the values of teamwork and collaboration.

Daphne MacLeod
Forbes Bros 3 (hi Res)
Forbesbros Originals 2 (custom)
Forbesbros Originals 69 (custom)
Forbesbros Originals 45 (custom)
Forbes Bros 21 (hi Res)
Forbesbros Originals 66 (custom)


Forbesbros Originals 54 (custom)


Forbesbros Originals 76 (custom)


Forbesbros Originals 20 (custom)


Perspective Matters—We Want Yours.   Perspective Matters—We Want Yours.   Perspective Matters—We Want Yours.   Perspective Matters—We Want Yours.   Perspective Matters—We Want Yours.   Perspective Matters—We Want Yours.   Perspective Matters—We Want Yours.